But here's the inevitable conundrum: how does one "update" when there is little to which one has been "up to"? This is not to say the rest of the world has not been turning, and I send my insignificant albeit sincere condolences to the fans and loved ones of Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays.
The biggest change at home has been the departure of Lydianne, my now francaise souer. Triste. Additionally, as you (my one reader, Caroline) might already know, I am supposed to be taking 2 classes this summer at BU in order to receive the ever-elusive college diploma I have dreamed about these past few months. Unfortunately, one of these classes (Acting: Comedy) might be cancelled because its roster currently consists of two students, me and a boy (or so I've assumed) named Youseff. One more student and we're good to go. However, if no one new signs up, the class shall self destruct. I will remain one credit short and still not know anyone named Youseff. I'm trying to find the "comedy" in that scenario. But I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Also, Mo is engaged!!! Crazy, yes? Crazier still is that it is not to me. But yes yes my darling Mo is going to be married and even more importantly, I am going to be a bridesmaid! One of my biggest honors to date, and I can't wait to cry and make an innappropriate toast. Just kidding. Or am I? We'll just have to wait till April to find out. Also, dear sisters, as the first bridesmaid I promise to put my gown in the basement dress-up box when the ceremony is over. I'm a sucker for fam

Finally, as this post is pretty obviously directed to one person, I hope she knows I love her and can't wait to see her next weekend.