Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hurts so well

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Another music video, and an old one at that. 
I'm lazy. This is beautiful. Dogs bark.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fly bird fly

This is what I want to be when I grow up 

...and by "grow up" I mean, "die and become reincarnated as someone with mammoth musical talent, or at least a basic sense of rhythm." 
(eh, details.)

I have to say, even my beloved Bert (aka Dick Van Dyke's character in Mary Poppins) has nothing on this one-woman band.

Friday, June 4, 2010

One friendly joint

From now on, whenever my parents ask me something to the extent of, "well, do you have even a plan?" or my teacher assigns a paper that I just don't feel like writing, I'll say, "Why, of course. I'll email that to you right away."

And then I'll send them this link. 

ALSO: Happy one year anniversary, blog! Stay... aimless?