butt clench moment, n. /bʌt klɛntʃ ˈmoʊ

1. Occurrence when a person is embarrassed, either vicariously and/or personally, to the extent that he or she cringes so much that his or her butt clenches. (Toes might also curl, but not a requirement.)
Etymology: 2000, MHG coined the term to describe the way she felt when the boy cast as Joseph in that year's Christmas pageant started crying on stage after a failed attempt to warble his solo.
Now that we're all the wiser, I'd like to share the source of some of my personal BCMs.
A list of my celebrity crushes throughout the years after the jump.
Age 3-4: Rolfe from The Sound of Music. (I had yet to understand the whole he-becomes-a-Nazi thing.)
Age 4-5: Michael from Barney & Friends. I love you, you love me. Let's make a happy family.
Age 4-5: The tin man. If he only had a heart.
Age 5: Pizza delivery guy from Home Alone. I kid you not.
Age 6-22: Zack Morris. He sent my heartbeat to the Max.
Age 7-9: Clark Kent/Superman. I think this is when I left my blond stage.
Age 9-11: Theo Huxtable. Theodorable.
Age 12-14: Pacey Witter. I try to comment, you know, maybe a play on the word "creek"... but then I just start drooling.
Age 15-22: Matt Damon. Hot Dayum...on.
Age 15-18: Chris O'Donnell. O'DoMe.
Age 15-16: Hayden Christensen in the second half of Life As a House.
Age 16-18: Clark Kent/Superman. He looks like an ugly swanling in this photo but I had to use it for the sake of parallelism.
Age 17-19: Ryan Gosling...and okay, I'm ashamed to admit it...Noah Calhoun. ("It wasn't over. It still isn't over.")
Age 18-22: James Franco. I would totally pick Harry over Spiderman (evil dad and all.)
Age 21-22: Caleb Followill. Lead me to the true love way.
Age 22: Jason Bateman. Oh, I'll bite.
Just so you know, I had a crush on the Pizza Delivery Boy from Home Alone as well hahaha. Kids are so weird. Love you!