Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lames and Gains

Is it obvious I'm avoiding my term projects?

Did I mention this is the fifth sixth version I've made? 

I've spared you the Snoop Dogg, Chubby Checker, Smashmouth, Rooney, and "Good time to bowl on" (oh, the worplay) editions. I'm merciful. You're welcome. 

Wish me an attention span!


  1. ah-mazing. i like how you're the only people in the entire place, except for the lone pool player in the back...

  2. Come on now, Elise. You know my swanky ways. Cleaaarly we rented the whole place out Daddy-Warbucks-goes-to-the-movies style. Pool player? My body guard. Also, there's always room for one more, you know...

  3. Room for two more? eh, eh?

  4. Always. You bring the goldfish, I'll cover the sourpatch kids.
