A few months before she left for college, Lydia (aka "LouLa," "Lou," and "the twin with girl parts") decided to downsize and move from "the wing" into Caroline's room. (sidenote: I love calling Lydia's former area "the wing" because it makes her sound like a freak child we keep locked up and never acknowledge, when in reality that's only occasionally the case.) Soon Caroline will come back home to go to law school, but where will she stay?
Flash forward to this weekend. Mom has taken on the task of cleaning out the part of the house formerly known as "Lydia's Wing" in the advent of Caroline's return to Boston after two years in New Orleans. I've decided to use this blog as an opportunity to document some of the items Lydia had been keeping in her quasi-museum.

Item #1 : A bevy of disposable cameras. I'm scared to get them developed. (By scared, of course, I mean too lazy.)

Item #2 : Beehive wig. Originally for one of her plays, It has come in handy in my own life more times than I'd like to admit.

Item #3 : A metal detector. Kids all have their phases. I had to have a tamagotchi, Lydia just had to have...a metal detector.
Lydia has always been a chameleon; when she was little she'd switch her outfit at least three times a day. In a way this is still the case. Over the years her look has ranged from preppie to pork-pie hat. These three doodads my mom dug up will always be intrinsic artifacts of her unwavering self of self, testaments that she's still the same vivacious auburn-haired girl, just moving from one costume change to another.
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